MBTA Tour of Facility Operations a Success
On October 28, MBTA management team joined CRRC MA’s facility staff on a tour of the rail car manufacturing facility. CRRC MA Director of Production Brian Kendall and CRRC MA Deputy Director of Manufacturing Mike Wilson guided MBTA leaders Assistant General Manager of Rail Operations Pat Richmond, Chief Transportation Officer Steve Daley, Director of Administration and Business Processes Alicia Hadley, Director of Rail Maintenance Mike Walsh, and MBTA Deputy Director of Vehicle Engineering Mark DeVitto through the manufacturing production flow with stops at the:
Train Body Section
Bogie Section
Water Spray Testing Bay
Completed Red line train
The MBTA team met production workers initially trained in China, and throughout the tour, MBTA staff reacted positively to the progress made with production flow, highlighting the cleanliness and organized workspace of the facility, as well as the lean production methods introduced, which are attributed to quality improvements and improved productivity and delivery.